Friday, December 29, 2006

Carnival: The Fun Ship

I went on a cruise this week.


Oh it was fun; in fact, I loved it. However, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the human being's capacity for entertainment. There is no limit.

On a Carnival ship called "Fascination," there was a pool, spa, gym, casino, cafe, club, sports bar, 2 fancy dining areas, buffet dining area, library, arcade, basketball court, putt-putt course, running track, internet lounge, art gallery, and even a sweet teen disco dancing club for 15 to 17 year olds called "O2."

Hot. And that's not even including Key West or Mexico.

And yet a guy I met had the audicity to tell me he was bored because there was "nothing to do."

Oh God, may I find beauty in the simple. In the mundane, may I find you, the source of my joy.

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